Suzanne Hopman (01-2007)

Suzanne Hopman
HES (School for Higher Economic Studies) Amsterdam, Holanda

I had a very good time in Santiago. The city is nice to live, very comparable with a western city and the people in general are very friendly (It is necessary to speak some Spanish). The country is amazing and traveling to north and south you really can"t miss that!! It is wonderful and worth every minute spending there!

Although the USACH, in my opinion, is not a very good University, in the end I like it better. In the beginning the USACH was very bad organized and the former contact person was everything except helpful and friendly. She did nothing to let us feel comfortable and help us. That was a very bad experience and it is a very good thing that she is not the contact person for foreign students anymore. In general, the teachers at the USACH are very friendly and helpful, and they are very understandable and flexible about missing classes because of traveling. Also they gave me other opportunities to pass the class, because the language sometimes was pretty difficult. The students at the USACH are friendly but not very open; I think also the language can be a problem, because they are ´afraid´ to talk to you. In my opinion they are very closed and keep a certain distance all the time. When you know them at once, they are friendly but it"s not that you can make Chilean friends at the University. Overall I had a great time in Chile, the level of the study is good, and not too difficult I think and living in STG is not to different from living in a European big city, it feels safe and easygoing.

Próximas Actividades


Lunes 10, 15:00 hrs.

Lugar: Salón 705

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Martes 11, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Visita guiada Museo de la Memoria

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Miércoles 12, 10:30 hrs.

Lugar: Salón 705

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Miércoles 12, 12:00 hrs.

Lugar: Templo Bahá'is, recorrido

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Jueves 13, 11:30

Lugar: Jardines Edificio Nuevo

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Viernes 14, 10:30 hrs.

Lugar: Visita Parquemet (Cerro San Cristóbal) teleférico

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Martes 18, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Explanada edificio nuevo

Stand Fae Internacional.
Jueves 20, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Explanada edificio nuevo

Stand Fae Internacional.