Mortiz Löschner (01-2007)

Mortiz Löschner
University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Alemania

Mi experience at the USACH in Santiago de Chile is really positive. Arriving we had good introduction papers and we had few things to organize. One negative impression was the election of the subjects. In my university in Germany the information was that we can change the subjects when we arrive but it didn"t work so easy. Finally I figured out a solution with the administration. Maybe it was just my German mentality that I wanted everything clear in the first days and additionally the information given by my university in Germany was not right. I am very happy to study at the USACH in Chile because the academic level is high, the professors have a very good education and the other students are very friendly. The teachers give information about Chile and additionally in a special lesson about the Chilean economy and history we got well informed about the country. Chile is a very developed country in terms of education, security and infrastructure. It is not what Europeans think about Latin America in general.

The semester here in Chile was a great opportunity to learn to know country and people and I can recommend to do a foreign semester at the USACH, Chile.

Próximas Actividades


Lunes 10, 15:00 hrs.

Lugar: Salón 705

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Martes 11, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Visita guiada Museo de la Memoria

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Miércoles 12, 10:30 hrs.

Lugar: Salón 705

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Miércoles 12, 12:00 hrs.

Lugar: Templo Bahá'is, recorrido

Salida a terreno con estudiantes internacionales en FAE.
Jueves 13, 11:30

Lugar: Jardines Edificio Nuevo

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Viernes 14, 10:30 hrs.

Lugar: Visita Parquemet (Cerro San Cristóbal) teleférico

Jornada de Inducción (Onboarding) estudiantado Incoming 1er Sem. FAE
Martes 18, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Explanada edificio nuevo

Stand Fae Internacional.
Jueves 20, 11:30 hrs.

Lugar: Explanada edificio nuevo

Stand Fae Internacional.