Formación Académica:
PhD in Management Systems, University of Lincoln, UK.
Ingeniero Civil en Informática, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Áreas de Conocimiento:
Sistemas de Información.
Ponce, H. y Mayer, R. (2014). An eye movement analysis of highlighting and graphic organizar study aids for learning from expository text. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 41, pp. 21-32.
Ponce, H. (2013). A Computer Based Spatial Learning Strategy Approach that Improves Reading. Educational Technology Research & Development, Vol.61(5), pp. 819-840.
Ponce, H., López, M. y Mayer, R. (2012). Instructional effectiveness of a computer-supported program for teaching reading comprehension strategies. Computers & Education, 59(4), pp. 1170-1183.