- http://www.scholarships.gc.ca/CUSEP-en.html (BECA )
- https://web.cbie.ca/scholarship/application_sep.html (FORMULARIO)

1. La Beca del Gobierno Canadiense es de 7.500 US$. (La paridad entre US$ canadiense y US$ americano es casi idéntica).

2. El TOEFL exigido para tomar cursos académicos es 570 puntos. (Este nivel exigido es altísimo). Sin este nivel de TOEFL, no se puede postular!!!

3. La beca no incluye "ESTUDIAR INGLÉS EN CANADA".

4. De todos modos ellos emitirían las cartas de apoyo correspondientes. Los apoyos no implican ganarse la beca en forma automática.

Es la información oficial entregada por TRU – CANADA.

Agradecemos todas las gestiones realizadas por el profesor Martín Montalva, Vicepresidente de la Asociación de Estudios Chilena –Canadiense (Acheca). Él ha empujado en forma muy honesta todo este proceso.

Ver información oficial aquí abajo, especialmente la marcada en rojo:

1.  I understand as many students are interested in coming to Canada from Business and Economics.  I am pleased to tell you that we will accept ALL of them under our Student Exchange Agreement.  In addition to the scholarship applications, for exchange, each student must complete our application.  Please go to www.truworld.ca, then to Student Exchange, then to Incoming Exchange Students.  There is a two part application there that each student must complete.

2.  For the College and Undergraduate Student Exchange Program (CUSEP) through the Government of Canada, I understand that I must apply for your students.  But I need some information from you.  FIRST, this program is not available to students needing to study English.  Therefore, the students must have a TOEFL 570 or IELTS 6.5 with no bands below 6.  Please see the information from our Government which says "Eligible themes/fields...  good governance, rule of law, democratic development, pure and applied sciences, economic and trade policy issues, teaching, and commerce."  From this, I believe the study of English is not eligible.  Also, as studies must begin BEFORE January 1, 2009, that means this program is ONLY for study in the Fall of 2008.

3.  So if your students have the English skills and wish for me to apply for CUSEP, you must provide me the following documents for EACH student by April 22, 2008....

a.  Copy of student passport

b.  Proof of full time enrollment at the University of Santiago (a letter from you is acceptable)

c.  A budget from each student describing exactly how they will spend the money (please read the website for more details)

When I receive all this, I can then apply online for the scholarship.  You can send it all to me electronically.

PLEASE NOTE THESE SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOT GUARANTEED.  The students will be notified in June.

4. In regard to Canada-Chile Leadership Exchange Scholarship.  The requirements are the same as for the CUSEP scholarship.  That means the students must have a TOEFL 570 or IELTS 6.5 with no bands below 6. .

5.  Please advise if these students might also qualify for scholarships from the Chilean Government, or will they come to Canada only if they receive a Canadian Government Scholarship.

6.  The Graduate Students Exchange Program (GSEP) through the Government of Canada cannot be used for your students.  We do not have any exchange opportunities for graduate students at Thompson Rivers University.